Obec Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou
Obec Obec Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou

Basic information

Basic information about village


Image of Hrnčiarovce nad ParnouThe village Hrnčiarovce nad Parnou is situated in central part of Trnava´s plane south-southwest from the city Trnava. Its cadastral area is approximately of squared shape with the spread 1632 hectares. It borders with the cadastral areas of Biely Kostol, Trnava, Zeleneč, Pác a Cífer.

Hrnčiarovce with its environmental falls within the warm, mild dry climate zone. The average annual temperature ranges 9-10 °C and the annual rainfall is 550 mm. Predominant part of the cadastral area belongs to the basin of the river Parná. The hydrological system is formed by two water-courses – the brook Parná and the artificial channel, which was built up in the past simultaneously with the primary course.

Mostly plain territory is covered by high-grade muck and nearby the brook Parná čiernice.


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